Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sandra Bullock "Adopted Baby"

I am sure everyone have heard the shocking news regarding poor Sandra Bullock's and her secret adopted baby named Louis Bardo Bullock. The 3 month old baby was born in New Orleans. Supposedly she and her husband Jessie James began the adoption process four years ago(yeah right) and brought the baby home in January. How did that get pass TMZ?

The actress is also divorcing that no good cheating husband of hers.

This has to be the best publicity stunt known to mankind! Her publicist needs an award for this one. Even the baby looks confuse on the cover. I am sure he is wondering "why am I here"? and "who is this white woman holding me"?


V said...

Ha ha ha!! You are so wrong! Please leave my Sandra alone.

Connie said...

LOL!!!! I am just glad she is doing fine after her ordeal.

Divalocity said...

Love is love for a child no matter who the mother is.

Anonymous said...

i'm with you on this. something fishy is going on. I hate to say it, but it's like saying the "white" mama is so giving, but we know that child is going to be raised by the "ethnic" nanny! PLUS I'M SURE THAT CHILD HAS KINFOLK.